Beyond Industry
Customer Retention Loyalty: SaaS - Time as a Currency (Part 3):
So you got them to click on the big green free button – congrats! Home free right? Not quite. They don’t depend on your offering yet. Without dependency, why would they pay? Here the real work begins….getting them to USE the tool.
Regardless of the digital service you offer, whether it is an app, software or any other digital offering, they are all built around the same value proposition – convenience:
- Reducing time spent
- Facilitating integration
- Increasing accessibility to content etc
Free Business Model - Time as a Currency (Part 1)
We are all consumers. Whether we consume products, services, or content, at some point, we all consume. Our method of consumption might change over time, but the reality is, consumption never ends. Consumption does have a limit – money. Yes, our resources (money), not our desire, limits consumption.
When faced with limitation, how do we choose? Cost, perceived value, desire, and enjoyment level are the most common factors. However, when "free" is involved, this can reduce the impact of these factors. Free enables fulfillment of consumption without limitation or rather without a perceived cost.