"What is the thought process to assess a company's decision to hire?"
Knowing the right information and how to assess it for the purposes of driving informed decision making to start. Importance of company circumstance remains defined by relevance of context. Specifically as it relates to these areas:
- Survival
- Progress
- Sustainability
- Scalability
- Evolution
When it comes to business, objectivity triumphs over subjectivity. Opinions and irrelevant circumstance distract from vision realization driven by identifying fundamental need.
As it relates to hiring, here are the list of questions to consider which circumstance-specifically help you weigh the burdens and benefits of hiring:
Begin with Survival
- Does the company generate sufficient and predictable revenue to be considered self-sustaining and can it?
- If not, identify:
- What needs to be done first?
- What timeline it needs to be executed in?
- What resources are required to execute within that timeline?
- What consequences result from missing the deadline?
- What results require fulfillment for the realization of progressive growth?
- Do those requirements demand additional human resources to execute effectively or within a specific timeline?
- Without those resources what consequences follow (if any)?
- What infrastructure (which includes human resources) remains necessary to maintain current success?
- How do infrastructure requirements (including human resources) proportionally scale with successful growth?
- How do human resource needs change with the evolution of the business from:
- Revenue stream
- Service offering
- and research development standpoints?
Did you notice the commonality across all the questions asked? Not one question asked about market, cost, skill-sets, or hiring practices. Because none of that matters. Company needs drive company actions. People acting on behalf of a company serve it best when applying this perspective.
Once you determine the decision is right to hire, here are some tips on how to review a candidate.